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A detailed introduction of Animal Pellet Mills

Author:Animal Feed Block Making Machine updatetime:2014-12-09 Clicks:12


      Animal Pellet Mills are the main term used to describe the machines used for pellet compression. There are many different designs of pellet mill, each with their own advantages and issues. The two main designs used for making pellets are the flat die pellet mill and the ring die mills.

pellet feed made by animal Pellet Mills

The Flat Die Pellet Mill Design Disadvantages For Making High Quality Pellets
      The first design of pellet mill to be used was the flat die pellet mill,which is small poultry feed pellet making machine and it is developed at the start of the 20th century to process animal feeds. This design of pellet mill was based on a vertical design, where material fell onto a roller section which sat on the surface of a horizontally mounted die.

Flat Die Pellet Mill

      Material was then compressed through the die, and pellets fell from the bottom of the die. One of the main disadvantages of this design are that the rollers are covering different distances over the inner and outer edges of the die. This then causes the rollers to constantly skip. This skipping action causes increased wear, and reduces the life of the rollers and die. Due to the increased resistance the skipping generates, flat die pellet mills also consume more electricity when making pellets.

The Ring Die Pellet Mill Design Advantages For Making Pellets
      Practically all small pellet mills sold today are produced in China and work on the flat die pellet mill design. However the PelHeat pellet mills, even the Mini Pellet Mill you can see to the right all work on the ring die pellet mill design. Most large scale commercial pellet production operations use the same ring die pellet mill design. Both the rollers and the die operate on the vertical axis, and therefore the inner and outer edges of the rollers cover the same distance across the surface of the die. 

Ring Die Pellet Mill

      Therefore no skipping occurs, which means the life of the rollers and die are considerably longer. What this also means is the Mini Pellet Mill can be designed to run from a domestic power supply due to the reduced energy consumption of the ring die. Due to its superior design the Mini Pellet Mill can be used to produce wood pellets from only a 2.2kW single phase motor. The Mini Pellet Mill is the most advanced small pellet mill on the market today.