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Scientific use of vitamin in feeding chickens

Author:Animal Feed Block Making Machine updatetime:2017-04-07 Clicks:12

9FQ hammer mill crusher remind chicken farmers,when chickens have stress such as vaccination,transferring group,etc.add more 10% of vitamin A,vitamin E,vitamin D and vitamin C.If chronic diseases such as chronic respiratory disease occur in chickens, you should also add more 10% of vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin C.
In addition,adding more 5% of the vitamin A1 in broiler feed,can effectively improve feed reward,help to speed up the growth and development of chickens.As for juvenile chickens,much lower content of vitamin A in feed,much higher incidence rate of chicken coccidiosis.So when chickens are suffering from coccidiosis,feed should be added more 20% of vitamin A, vitamin K and vitamin C.
When chickens suffering from fatty liver syndrome,Hengfu electronic machinery suggest adding more 5% of choline chloride and 10% of multivitamin.During laying eggs peak times,add more 2% of vitamin B2.To increase egg shell hardness,apart from adding more 2% of calcium,adding more 2% of vitamin A,vitamin C.
In hot summer,adding more 2% of vitamin C can improve chicken disease resistance,reduce chicken body temperature,improve production performance and reduce stress response.If chickens suffer from pullorum,coccidiosis,adding double amount of multivitamin in feed.In general cage chicken needs to add more 10% of multivitamin than free-range chicken,meanwhile amount of vitamin in juvenile chickens,breeding chickens should be doubled as usual amount.When chickens suffer from a certain vitamin deficiency,amount of vitamin added in feed should be three times than usual. It is important to note that if feed is used too long such as more than one month,add more 5% to 10% of multivitamin to complement loss of vitamin.
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