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Features of Vertical Shaft Hammer Crusher

Author:Animal Feed Block Making Machine updatetime:2014-04-17 Clicks:12

Vertical shaft hammer crusher features are:   
1, the automatic feeder is optional, is a shepherd-type grinder designed specifically for the company.
See detailed use of automatic control vertical hammer mill feeders manual. The machine compressed
air supply pressure of 0.6 to 1.0 MPa. Compressed air should be equipped with water processor;
compressed air in order to avoid excessive moisture in wet and cold regions, should be
equipped with freeze-drying machine, oil-water separators.   
2, you need to select the aperture plate according to, but need to pay attention to not less
than 2 mm sieve aperture.   
3, with the rotor hammer four groups, each hammer hammer two short and long hammer 2;
short hammer mounted on the upper part of the hammer mounted on the lower part of the long,
symmetrical arrangement. Quality corresponding to the two groups differ hammer shall not exceed 2 g.   
4, when the mill feed conveyor system with a connection should be noted that neither a negative
pressure inside the mill, they can not form a large positive pressure. Its auxiliary suction volume of 15 to
20 cubic meters / minute is appropriate.   
5, hammer, sieve and other major consumable parts manufacturer should choose a host of products to
ensure quality and safety. - See more at: