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Conditions of large-scale pig farms constructions

Author:Animal Feed Block Making Machine updatetime:2017-03-13 Clicks:12

Today aquaculture industry is rapidly developing,in order to occupy a favorable position in the fierce cultivation market and obtain large cultivation profits, many farmer workers begin to further expand the scale of farming.Because farming scale is more large,the average breeding cost of each pig is more low, it’s more easy to earn profit in the process of breeding. But it is noteworthy that not all scale expansion farms can benefit from it, only those farmers who pay attention to characteristics of large-scale breeding and raise pigs according to these characteristics can be the final winners. Let Hengfu premix feed production line talk about what questions need to be considered in construction of large-scale pig farms.

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1, Infrastructure construction of pig farm 
In order to facilitate daily cleaning of pigsty, ground and walls of pigsty should be flattened by brick and cement.It’s noteworthy that pig cannot enter immediately into newly built pig farms, it should be placed after a period of time and then pigs come into. This is because cement of newly built pig farm is not completely solidified, if pig comes in at this time,it’s easy to result in a certain extent destroy on ground and walls.Moreover,newly built farms will cause high alkalinity and make a threat to swinery health.
2, Medical measures
Large farms must pay medical insurance for swinery, once occur unforeseen circumstances in the process of breeding, aquaculture personnel would not lose everything they owned.In addition,crumbler suggests that large farms preferably possess 1~2 specialized veterinarians who can make regularly check for pigs,if pigs are ill,they can find and treat as soon as possible, and reduce the risk of swinery died of illness.